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Real Change Made by Real People.

Ethically responsible investment can be a force for societal change.


We discuss financial justice, classism, financial philosophy, and sociology.

We are most known for our Impact Series Events we host as a club.


We focus on how accounting and business policy can be used to better financial systems in order to decrease the gaps between the poorest and most well off. Then we turn those discussions into collaborative papers. We aim to use our educational knowledge to better the world. 


We also host and attend events, from conferences and seminars, to speaker discussions. We do community work in the greater Seattle area, and try to focus on helping those with the lower socio-economic statuses. 


We are a club based out of North Seattle College.


Club President: Rayne Renney

Vice President: Maby Chickanis

Club Secretary: Shalaye Brown

Club Marketing Lead: Faith Wendelken (Wendy)

Club Treasurer: Shalaye Brown

Faculty Advisor: Professor Alif Laila Tisha

North Seattle College is located at Northgate in Seattle, WA


The Impactful Investing Club is one of many clubs the college supports.




Our Team.


Rayne Renney

Club President


Professor Alif Laila Tisha

Faculty Advisor

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